Get Your Gutters Checked!
Gutters are often an out-of-sight, out-of-mind chore for many homeowners. However, without proper maintenance, gutters will get you visiting your wallet often, trying to fix them. Properly maintained gutters not only ensure the safety of your home during storms or heavy rainfall but can also prevent your home from additional problems like mold or pests. Save yourself some time and trouble and check gutter maintenance off your to-do list with these 3 gutter maintenance tips from a professional gutter repair service provider.
The right tool goes a long way. Before you climb that ladder and embark on cleaning your gutters it is important to have the proper tools. You’ll want to be certain you have the basics like a pair of heavy work gloves, non-slip shoes, and good-quality safety goggles. Next, you want to make sure you have a tall and sturdy ladder. The last thing you want is a wobbly ladder. For most one- and two-story homes a 20-foot or taller extension ladder will be your best choice. Make sure to plant your ladder on even surfaces, to keep it sturdy and make sure it stays in place.
Clear the roof
Often, the debris that clogs your gutters most is from your roof. This can be from heavy rainfall, wind, or simply gravity pushing it down. Take safety into account when you go to scale such heights. Never go when it is icy, wet, or windy. If the weather is in your favor, use a tool such as a rake to remove the debris from your roof.
Inspect your downspouts
Just like you should clear your gutters regularly, you should do the same for the downspouts and any other pipes leading away from your home. It is important to check for any leaks, rust, or clogging. Also, to ensure that water is not draining too close to your foundation, make sure they extend several feet from your home.
Whenever you need a professional gutter repair service in Memphis, TN, turn to Hernandez Gutters Of Memphis. For more information, call us at (901) 203-0828 today!